Sunday, April 26, 2009

I mean really?!

Why is it that most police officers you see on TV tend to always be really hot and really nice, like they have time for you, because you know, they are their for the civilians of the township, right? Well apparently this only works on TV, because I couldn't get a word in edge wise, with these real life cops. Well I'm exaggerating a little bit, but mostly, the energy was intimidating until towards the end.

See, I have these asshole neighbors that love to make noise at odd hours of the day and night. By which I mean, loud TV or really loud odors of ethnic food, which if you ask me, I don't want to know.

Remember the fuckers that were cooking onions at eleven o' clock at night? Yeah, that's them. Point being, we had a little noise battle out today. My mom went downstairs at like 10:30 am to tell them to lower their noise, and proceeded to insult their choice of cuisine. I'm just saying. She came back upstairs and mentioned she told the downstairs neighbor, that it smells like they are cooking dog. I busted up laughing. I mean, how can anyone say that to anyone? My mom, then continued on the banter and said she would call the cops because their noise is so fucking loud! I mean really?! Is the loud volume really that necessary?! No need to answer the rhetoric of stupidity within the human population, which I pose as a question, it's more of a look than an answer. :: Insert look here ::

Two and a half hours later (from the time we placed the complaint), the police show up. They are nice, but somewhat authoritatively aggravatingly pompously arrogant. I guess that's because they really can't do anything about anything really. So why the fuck are they there in the first place, to tell me to write a letter the the homeowners association?! Whatever happened to the days when police officers used to be the officers that go out of their way and jurisdiction just to make a citizen of the city, town or what-have-you, feel safe and protected. I guess the bold answered the question...used to.

So I told the officers (not ones I would hit on mind you), the chain of events that led up to their arrival and one actually scoffed back. Apparently the people downstairs were so upset by my mom claiming she'd call the cops on them, they decided to call the cops instead. An hour or so later the asshole started banging on my door, and yelling obscenities. Imagine a belligerent drunk banging on the door. . . :: Deep breaths:: Seriously, this asshole gave me a panic attack, I mean why try to knock my door down with your unappreciated loud and rude knocking? I mean hello?!?! What are you the big bad wolf?!


The next day around One o' clock, the man proceeded to continue the war over noise and smelly food, and once again huffed and puffed, and I still didn't answer.
Seriously though, the only way to really evade these situations is to live in a house that is owned, and not a fucking apartment complex with crazy residents. Whatever, I'll make it one day, and never have to deal with this shit again!
So what can I do? I blog and then...

I get over it.

That asshole is definitely on the list!

1 comment:

  1. They finally moved out! After how long?!?! Apparently they left a mess and a nest of roaches behind..ech..dirty people..


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